I am now looking for beta testers for my app as I strive to deliver an app that will provide the most value in the finance category. The goal is to eventually upload this app on the google play store and perhaps generate some passive income while I’m at it. 🙂 In the mean time,
I’ve finally pulled the trigger! I know I had been saying that I will refinance my student loan since last year and did nothing about it. I am glad to finally confirm that I had taken action and refinanced my OSAP (Ontario student loan) last week. Despite contrary beliefs to repay student loans through OSAP,
It has been a couple of weeks since my last post so I would think that it is time for me to write something… I am going to get straight to the point. The reason why I had been inactive is because I haven’t been feeling very motivated as of lately. There could be multiple
It has definitely been a while since my last post but I do intend to keep my goal of writing 4 posts per month. So far, I haven’t broken it this year. 🙂 If you have been wondering what I’ve been up to lately, well… I’ve been spending the majority of my time planning and
This post here is here the continuation of what I wrote about last time. As a short recap, I have most recently realized the importance of building my passive income. The goal that I have set for myself is $4,000 passive income monthly. The sooner that I reach the goal, the more time I will
Lately, I felt that I have sort of neglected the importance of building my passive portfolio. I have gotten too focused on achieving my one million net worth (after all that is the theme for my blog) that I have forgotten that my first step would be to fast track. For those unfamiliar with the
After a recent discussion with my parents, they have agreed to let me leverage their $150,000 home equity line of credit at a 2.65% annual interest rate under the condition that I take full responsibility for it. We have all agreed that the 150k sitting in their credit can be put to better use considering