Ever wondered whether making money off a niche site is even possible? Are the bloggers who have found success in niche sites publishing their real income or is it all just a marketing scheme? Guess what! I am here to figure all of that out. I am proud to announce that I will be creating
Whenever the term “personal finance” is heard, the first thing many people would think of is money. After all, why would anyone study finance without having the goal of becoming rich one day, right? While some may simply want to get out of debt, others will want the luxury to purchase anything their heart desires.
Having a convincing brand for your business is one step that many people overlook. With all the excitement that comes in developing a business, this crucial but most important step may be side stepped and often forgotten. My blog is a perfect example of this. I got too caught up with delivering content and had
If you had been on Million Endeavour recently, you may have noticed quite a few changes in design. Unfortunately, having a good looking blog is the least of my worries. Truth is, my blog is undergoing an identity crisis. If I am to eventually turn ME into a business, I would need to seriously reconsider
Many of us who are on the journey to financial freedom spend quite a large amount of time working for someone else. Often, this could mean spending up to 40 hours or more a week at a job that we may not necessarily like. The reason why many stay at their day job is because
The key to financial freedom requires the constant acquisition of knowledge. Did you know that people who read 7 or more books a year is 122% more likely to become millionaires? This is why I have decided to host a monthly giveaway where the prize will be a personal finance book. The purpose of this
It has been about 2 years now since I have started my endeavours in the stock market. Over these years, I had done a lot of experimentation in active investing. I had made some good investments and some terrible ones. Had I known these tips that I am about to share at the very start