General Finance Archive
If you are a Canadian who’s earning US Dollars, usually from an online income source, then you’ll find this method very useful. As an internet marketer, most of my income that I earn online is in US Dollars. As you would probably agree with me, it would make absolutely no sense to convert your US
As I am writing this post right now, a good friend of mine is somewhere backpacking through Europe and is uploading her adventures on Instagram. I would be lying if I said I am not jealous of her! Travelling around the world is a dream of mine and she is living it! Quite frankly, as I
As many of you may already know, I am not a big fan of my day job. I work in the public sector where I deal with customer complaints the entire day. Not only do I get tired fast but it drains me emotionally as well. I felt so fed up with my job this week that I
I’ve finally pulled the trigger! I know I had been saying that I will refinance my student loan since last year and did nothing about it. I am glad to finally confirm that I had taken action and refinanced my OSAP (Ontario student loan) last week. Despite contrary beliefs to repay student loans through OSAP,
After a recent discussion with my parents, they have agreed to let me leverage their $150,000 home equity line of credit at a 2.65% annual interest rate under the condition that I take full responsibility for it. We have all agreed that the 150k sitting in their credit can be put to better use considering
Tax season is just around the corner and it is that time of the year where people start contributing to their RRSP! Personally, I think it’s best to contribute to the RRSP at the start of the year for investment growth but this can prove quite difficult for those who do not have the excess
Most recently, I had read through a book called the Millionaire Masterplan by Roger James Hamilton and I recommend it to everyone who is interested in building wealth. This book is written for those who are interested in becoming and entrepreneur and it outlines the steps to success in doing so. Here is a brief